Monday, August 15, 2011

Been a while since I posted ...

It's been quite a while since I've posted anything up here. I moved, started a new job, wife had a baby, and just generally been swamped. I've been really behind on doing any research on IBD and Crohn's but I'll likely start picking it up again. Appreciate the questions that I've been getting on here over the past couple months. Sorry for not responding to them all.

In other news, I'm coming up on two years on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. It's been working pretty well so far (but it's time consuming!).


  1. Thank you for this blog and for continuing the research. I've also been on SCD almost 2 years.

    1. Thanks! Glad you found the blog helpful. I've actually started transitioning off of SCD. Or at least, I've started adding in "illegal" foods into my diet. Everything's going fine so far (fingers crossed)!
