Saturday, September 12, 2009

Foods For Healthy Weight Gain

Just read this post about how to gain weight when dealing with diseases like Crohn's. Obviously everything about eating pasta, rice, potatoes, and such won't quite work on the SCD diet. But I thought the calorie counts were very interesting. Here's the excerpt:
Plan to eat about 6 meals daily, and eat about 500 calories a day more than usual. Sugary products like milkshakes (which could be made with skim milk and low-fat ice cream), jellies, jams, cakes and cookies can accomplish that goal easily, short-term.

Eating a balanced diet and managing weight long-term should be done thoughtfully. You don’t want to only gain fat and no muscle. Any kind of SAFE dieting program suggests eating healthy foods while exercising, to keep the body at an ideal weight while building muscle.

Know your recommended weight for your height and body type. The average 165-pound man, between 19 to 24 years old, needs 3000 calories a day to maintain his weight. But, as we age, we need fewer calories, so that same man will only require 2700 calories daily from the age of 25 to 49. And even less beyond that.

An average woman, ages 19 to 24, will need 2100 calories daily to maintain a weight of 127 pounds. As she ages, up to 49, she will only need 1900 calories.

Good guidance. The article also mentions to work with a nutritionist along side your doctor. It's tough to get 3000 to 3500 calories a day on the SCD, but I suppose I'll have to find a way.


  1. high fat dairy products combined with dried fruit like raisins,fresh no sugar added dates, and lots of ripe bananas are good calorie rich snacks. Swiss cheese from Switzerland is from grass fed cows which is much better for you because of its healthy omega profile, though I do eat regular dairy as well. The SCD diet has been very helpful for me.

    1. Appreciate the info! Glad the SCD diet has been working for you.

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